Monday, April 26, 2010

Can't Stop, Won't Stop

My senior year is dwindling to an end, but not without putting up a fight. It seems no matter how much work I put in or how many extra miles I go, at every level of completion where I'm supposed to be able to say, 'phew, I did it, now I can relax', something new comes up and I'm right back into 12 hour work days trying to stay on top of the insurmountable pile of work in front of me. It's because of that mountain and my inability to reach the summit that my posts have been lacking.

One of the projects I recently had to work on was an animation test for Insomniac Games. While I got the email today saying I didn't get the job, it was still a cool opportunity and meant that there was something about my work that peaked their interest.

They gave me four fairly specific cycles to make as well as the rigs to complete them with and one week to do the test. While I feel the walk was probably the weakest point, I'm fairly proud of how they turned out.




Alien Enemy:

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